Thursday 30 April 2015

Raising Whose Voice?

International Intrigues anti Pakistan elements are incessantly conspiring against the province of Balochistan and making it spotlight of wicked schemes and mischievous designs. Hostile elements are keeping efforts to keep the province underdeveloped by promoting acrimonious sense of dissent, political volatility, sectarian violence, deteriorating law and order situation and arousing sentiments of separatism. Geopolitical location of Balochistan also makes it significant for world powers. The Big Game is on, and with the signing of agreement between China & Pakistan on China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), world powers will make their all out efforts to destabilize Pakistan. The missing person hue and cry is one of the chapters of the book written by foreign players, which is getting in lime light faster than ever. Lets analyze the basics of this “Missing Person Drama”.

Chief of the inquiry commission on ‘missing persons’ Justice (Retired) Javed Iqbal said that baseless propaganda was being done pertaining to the number of missing persons in the country, reported in Dawn News in the middle of 2012. It was also reported that foreign intelligence agencies were involved in the issue, not only to malign the repute of law enforcement agencies but to create an environment of chaos in the country. This was basically done to make an impression that no place in Pakistan is safe, even the ‘Places of worship’. Highlighting the issue of missing persons was also part of the game to gain countless advantages for their GREATER game plan.

It is said that the missing persons is a generic term used in Pakistan to refer to the alleged ostensibly hundreds of persons, and the blame was put on our own Law Enforcement Agencies. It is still a question whether the people were actually been “forcefully disappeared” or there was something fishy going on in the back burner by anti-state elements? Whatever the case was, one thing is certain, enemy made the most benefit out of this…

Now the question arises, who were the missing persons? Were they really innocent or were they the people who challenge the writ of government by planting bombs in fully crowded public places, are involved in extortion, target killing and kidnappings; from where do these so-called ‘innocent’ people get not only heavy explosives but also use these explosives to kill people viciously. This horrific bloodshed has spread a MASSIVE wave of terror in Pakistan which lasted for more than a decade and caused a massacre of innocent people, continuing to this day; the people who otherwise, had NEVER even seen the bullet of a rifle in their entire life.

After years of hard work and efforts, when things begin to settle down in an organized manner, suddenly a loud slogan hits the ears; this time it’s not a creepy looking suicide attacker holding highly sophisticated million dollar weapon in his hands killing civilians like a butcher BUT a goon with his head covered with a heavy white turban, holding picture of one of the goons of very same group that was involved in killing thousands of innocent Pakistanis and claiming openly in a video (available all over on internet) that he is part of the organization that is fully supported by foreign intelligence agencies, including “RAW (Research and Analysis Wing), Mossad (Israeli Intelligence Service) and NDS (National Directorate of Security)”. The goon guy is known as Mama Qadeer and the guy in picture is his son Jalil Reki who was killed in one of the battles between Baloch Republic Party and Baloch Peace Keeping Army, but Mama Qadeer proclaims that his son was killed by the law-enforcing agencies.

Recently news was published in a well-known newspaper where Mama Qadeer says “21,000 missing in Balochistan”; God knows from where and how Mama Qadeer has compiled the list of these missing persons and from where can I get this list to verify about those missing persons. The title given to his statement was “Raising his voice” raising WHOSE voice and against WHOM? Father of a terrorist? A terrorist who was killed during the exchange of fire between a group of a terrorist organization BRA (Baloch Republic Army) and Baloch Peace Keeping Forces? Meaning terrorists vs Pakistan? I guess there is no need to discuss this case further…

But hold on a second, if the compiled list of missing persons is correct then another question arises; where are all these missing persons? After all, the agencies can’t just simply gulp 21,000 people, now can they? On the other hand, how come Mama Qadeer is so sure about the statistics of these missing persons? Things get more dramatic when I start studying the case in detail.

Jalil Reki (Son of Mama Qadir) used to recruit children by force and trained them to install bombs (many got killed during the training). He also used to smuggle people to militant training camps in India and Afghanistan and once training was completed, he took them back to Pakistan through Pak - Afghan border. During this smuggling, his group was intercepted by Baloch Peace Keeping Forces and during exchange of fire Jalil Reki was killed.
This is the information you will get only if you want to see the other side of the picture, the picture other than what the media is continuously feeding into your minds. No one from law enforcement agencies will come and knock your door and explain to you that what they are doing is for your own good.

Before summing up this debate I would like to say only one thing that “People need to know this. They are militants. People sit in their homes comfortably, use media – social media, electronic media, but they need to know the truth. The truth that mainstream media is not showing you”. I will advise the stooges of our print media to have some grey matter, before publishing such baseless articles. It really reflects the level of their investigative journalism which seems to be at its lowest ebb at the moment.

Sunday 26 April 2015

Let’s not blur the lines between Activism and Terrorism

Taking lead from the current trend in the country, LUMS – Lahore University of Management Sciences’s Professor invited the so-called human rights activist Mr. Abdul Qadeer Reki, commonly known amongst the masses as “Mama Qadeer” in the seminar held in Islamabad on 9th April, 2015. Other members in the panel included Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur, Aasim Sajjad Akhtar, Sajjad Changezi, editor of “Daily Times” Rashid Rahman, and Farzana Majeed. Mama Qadeer, who is himself chairman of VMBP (Voice for Baloch Missing Persons) claims that his son, Jalil Reki was killed by the agencies of Pakistan, and has since surmounted much popularity and support from the separatist and anti-state groups of the country. As a matter of fact, Jalil Reki was not killed by the agencies; instead he was killed in one of the fights between Baloch tribes’ coalition Amann Lashkar and BRA ( Balochistan Republic Army) .
Jalil was a member of BRP (Balochistan Republic Party), a separatist organization who claimed responsibility for the bombing and destruction of the country’s national heritage site, Ziarat Residency in Quetta, besides being a part of other illegal and terrorist involvements.
Similarly, Mama Qadeer’s own past is quite disreputable. Qadeer used to work in UBL (United Bank Limited) in Quetta. He was fired by UBL, due to his fraudulence activities. Henceforth, Mama Qadeer has been involved in speaking out against the law-enforcing agencies of the country. He claims that Pakistan’s military is behind the killing of numerous innocent people, termed as ‘Missing Persons’ by the VMBP organization. These missing persons in reality are trained insurgents, specially trained in specific places of Afghanistan and India to fuel cross-border terrorism in Pakistan.
With such a colorful background and anti-Pakistan motives, the government did right to cancel Mama Qadeer’s seminar. However, there has been much frenzy about the topic, most of which was created in support of Mama Qadeer. Interestingly, the cancellation of 9th April’s event is being termed as an anti-Balochistan move, ironically, for a person who even though calls himself a Balochi but does not believe in Balochistan being a part of Pakistan!

How is then silencing him because of his potent anti-state? Balochistan is a land laden with history of patriots, sacrifices, injustices even and for a past few years a nexus for geo-political turmoil. Balochis, a vast majority of them, are patriotic people, whose ancestors envisioned a united Pakistan, full of opportunities for the region’s youth. However, many of the region’s landlords have made sure to give the province a fate which is otherwise. It is important to be noted that such separatist and terrorist organizations do NOT represent the sentiments of Balochs. Whoever does wrong must be brought to justice, but thankfully, the nation’s people are not so naïve so as to believe every so-called human rights activist who spews negativity against the country’s very own guardians and upholders of justice as the culprits behind the terrorist war of the country, when the facts, documented incidents and proofs all say so otherwise. Sorry Mr. Qadeer but you can’t fool the nation’s youth any more, at least not all of them, because there is a difference between activism and championing terrorism, and you, with your own personal history, affiliations and financing, side with the latter! In the end i am utterly amazed by such an unwise and unpatriotic initiative by LUMS (Lahore University of Management Sciences). Such a blunder was never expected from an educational institute of such stature and repute.