Tuesday 27 January 2015

Story of the Baloch

It is really a difficult job to synchronize eleven thousand years in few pages Balochistan’s known history is even much older. Blochs are one of the most blessed people on earth by all means; our vast country from central Asia till the Baloch Sea in Indian Ocean is full of the most precious treasures materially and spiritually. We are one of the richest nations in the world if we assess our assets of gold, oil, gas, Uranium, and precious stones. We own the longest coast in Asia 1700 km on the opening of strait of Hurmag (Hurmuz) till Karachi. Our pearl like clean sea waters are full of world’s largest prawns, dolphins, sharks, whales, huge size green turtles called living dinosaurs, and other marine life.
Millions of years ago the great land of Balochistan was lush with greenery and jungles where lot of food was available this was dinosaurs’ age. Complete skeleton of one of those dinosaurs was found in Dera Bugti Balochistan, research by the archeologists and zoologists have proved that the present Baloch horses’ ancestors were these Baloch dinosaurs. Baloch dinosaurs found in Dera Bugti Balochistan Life are flowing here from pre history till today in a sequence there is not a single evidence of any irrelevance. The whole of Baloch Kurd landscape is full of archeological sites that show our wonderful past and our contribution in human civilization. Mehrgarh is the jewel of Shaal-Naal civilization where the very basic tools of human civilization were invented like wheal and expression by writing in symbols called proto writing, and many other inventions in Mehrgarh were used thousands of years later in other civilizations. Wheal is known as the foundation of civilization, as its invention made transportation traveling easy and speedy, pottery manufacture more developed and sustainable, its use in pulley and other basic instruments made economic development faster. It is an honor that wheal was first invented in Mehrgarh Balochistan. Today’s life of Baloch people in divided and occupied territories, facing actions from the states to keep us away from knowledge, infrastructure, development and unification has resulted in many kinds of our depravations and exploitations and someone coming from today’s developed and renaissance Europe cannot think about our actual status in creation of todays human civilization. That happened when a French archeologist team in leadership of Mr. Jean Francois Jarrige came to the Mehrgarh Balochistan on invitation of Chief of Raisani Balochs in December 1974, he visited archeological sites there and thought that as a connecting corridor the remains of karawans from Mohanjo daro and Harrapa of Indus, Shahr e sokhta of Turkmenia and Mandigak of Kandhar civilization are left here but when he excavated deeper and deeper his team was surprised to find that they are in the remains of the mother of all civilizations of the world. They left all other archeological fields and concentrated only on Mehrgarh and areas around it for last 37 years to work more and more and understand the beginning of human society, social relations, economic activities, geographical linkages and impact of Mother civilization of Mehrgarh on the neighboring civilizations of Central Asia Iran Afghanistan India and Babylon as its grand children. Paintings on pottery discovered from Mehrgarh Mehrgarh Dastar on head of our ancestors First human writings in symbols in Mehrgarh.

The great Kurd nation is the ancestral or mother nation of Baloch. Kaldani, Adargani, Naroi, Brahoi, Zangana are the major ancient Kurd tribes that have multiplied and developed as today’s Baloch nation. Balochi (Brahoi, Rakhshani, Sulemani and Makurani) dialects are also spoken by Kurds till today. Few hundred years ago a famous Baloch scholar Akhund Saleh wrote a book ‘Kurdgal Namek’ that contains all the details of these Kurds and their fabulous ameers who lived in a very organized, united and respectable manner from Makran to Central Asia. Kurd ancestors have left their cherished memories as Gabrband the catch dams for water management, Miri the Kurd forts and Karez the underground irrigation channels, these are found all around Makran, Jhalawan, Sarawan, Rakhshan, Sibi and Derajat. Khuzdar and Kalat always have been the capital of Balochistan. Baloch country has always been a welcoming homeland for all Kurd Balochs from Halab Syria, coast of Caspian Sea, and Mount Alboorz whenever they had serious problems with their neighbor nations. Arrival of these Balochs strengthened local Kurd Baloch’s defensive and economic systems and contributed new shades of culture in the existed rich Kurd Baloch culture. This migration is of internal nature; Kurd Baloch people had issues in their habitats they migrated to Balochistan for a safer life with their own Balochs in majority and stronger position but sometimes historians mistakenly assume any one of these great migrations as the whole Baloch history that needs to be corrected. Balochs are living in Balochistan for thousands of years in a proven sequence of all ages pre Neolithic that is before stone age, Neolithic chalcolithic age when humans domesticated animals and started agriculture, till today’s scientific age, and in all these ages we have created almost same geometric designs as motifs, paintings, embroidery, rugs, carvings so it is not only a proof that we are the creators of Mehrgarh, but it is also a unique journey of creative art for eleven thousand years by Kurd Baloch women that is mostly made with geometric shapes and permanent colors these colors become more prominent on the rocks when rain falls on these paintings even today. These red and black colors are used in pottery painting in Mehrgarh and many thousand years after in painting of Kurd Baloch heroes and same kind of symbols on rocks in the mountains of Balochistan and Kurdistan. Treasure hunters are busy in digging and destroying the archeological sites for greed they sell our history for few pennies they must be stopped, anywhere you find such thieves stop them; there should be a punishment for such thieves by community elders, because they are depriving us from our national pride.Kalat was the capital of the Kurd Baloch country centuries before the Hakhmanshi dynasty of Faras. According to Kurdgal Namek the great Med Kochak Kurd is the great ancestor of the indigenous Balochs of the present Balochistan from his line eight Kurd Baloch brothers are the ancestors of the main basic Baloch tribes Adargani Kurd Baloch lived in Makran, Naroi Kurd Baloch in Seistan and Rakhshan till Nimroze and Hirat, Brahoi Kurd Balochs in Sarawan Jhalawan, in Kachhi they lived jointly for a stronger defensive strategy. Zangana Kurds lived in the north of Balochistan now in Afghanistan.
Another great Baloch tribe is Rind from the line of eminent Kaldani Kurds lived in Halab Syria. One of the grand migrations in Baloch history is of forty four Kaldani Kurd tribes collectively called the Rind in the leadership of Mir Jalal Khan migrated from Halab to Makran. The brave Rinds are living from Makran to Sibi and Derajat as one of the prominent Baloch tribes playing leading role in today’s Baloch independence movement as Marri and Bugti.
Around eight hundred years ago a brave Kurd chief Amir Kambar Rais put the foundation of the present Baloch dynasty. Amir Meero, Mir Omar, Mir Hammal Jiand Hote, Mir Chakar Rind, Noori Naseer Khan, Mir Mehrab Khan earned the status of great Baloch rulers in history.
Baloch's in views of others
Heroic bravery of Baloch is praised by many historians and poets of other nations. Herodotus a Greek historian wrote that Baloch army was wearing leather jackets and shiny swords, when they fight never give up.
Shah Latif great Sindhi Sufi poet has praised Baloch character and respect of their own words and promises.
Great Farsi poet Firdousi says that Baloch army with high flag having black panther is extremely brave no one has ever saw their backs in battle field.
Waris Shah a famous Punjabi poet praises Baloch personality and bravery when he describes Murad Baloch a hero of their love story Heer Waris Shah.
Col. Lamberk and Col. Brown have written in their diaries and reports that they have never seen anyone like Balochs when they fight and no one as Balochs in dialogue due to their seriousness and keeping their words.
Statue of Mir Hammal Jiand made by Portuguese in Goa India after fighting for decades is an expression of gratitude from a brave nation for another brave nation.

The great Baloch womenMillions of Baloch women have played marvelous role in our history starting from the matrilineal society of Mehrgarh. It has been proven by the archeologists and anthropologists that the status of women was the highest; this society was lead by women. The greatest and oldest human urban civilization was not only created mostly by women but for thousands of years in extremely harsh conditions protected and preserved it by their traditional colors and geometrical designs on embroidery and rugs. Baloch medicines are the other area that is totally invented and practiced by Baloch women called Pupoo or balluk, they are not only skilled in collecting and preserving herbs and their medicinal uses, they also know how to relocate bones and increase immunity against viral infections like measles and chicken pocks. Balochi story telling and poetry is another field that is colored and decorated with Baloch womens expressions. Rabia Khuzdari, Hani, Semak and Mahnaz are some of those great Baloch poetesses their work and ideas will be remembered and followed by us always, I personally love one poem of Mahnaz in which she says that she is just like a strong fig tree which cannot be bowed by any proud storm and no rain can even touched its deep roots.. Bibo the sister of Khan Kalat and Banari the daughter of Mir Chakar Rind are the remarkable warrior women of Baloch history. Bibo commanded 16 wars on horseback against Barakzai to get Sibi back from their occupation. Banari was commanding the Baloch army in battle of Delhi. Her words are written on our hearts life is just like dust in my hand, it will disperse one day but honor will exist for ever do not care about life but do care about the honor of Baloch. She won the battle and many families of her Balochs remained in Delhi and still live there. Baloch pride and sense of independence and sovereignty has kept it alive in extremely difficult circumstances and will always be alive and successful with our unity and deep love for honor of our motherland Balochistan.

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