Thursday 5 February 2015

Reply To Hyrbyair Marri

Britain has a moral and legal responsibility to handover “Robbers, TRAITORS & Killers who escaped and got Political Asylum in UK after committing series of crimes in Pakistan:

It was 30th January when I came across an article written by Hyrbyair Marri, a so-called Baloch-separatist sitting in “Great England”, enjoying “Luxurious” life, well-sponsored by several anti-Pakistan elements. I should not forget to comment on his connections with few top ranking secret service agencies particularly “RAW, Mossad and NDS” since AGES. Though it was quite unpleasant to read the crap he wrote to “British” authorities, and digesting it was even more agonizing; BUT I did it. Actually, let me confess something first; every time I hear Hyrbyair, I found him chewing the words that are been put into his mouth by his anti-Pak masters, especially those who are keeping their grimy and greedy eyes on Pakistan’s precious resources placed by nature its province Baluchistan.
Before going into the detail of what Hyrbyair wrote, allow me to take you back in history when Nawab Khair Bakhsh Marri, father of Hyrbyair Marri fled to Afghanistan during Zia’s era. Why? That is something I don’t need to tell you. Hyrbyair completed his early education from Kabul and for higher education he moved to Russia (sound fishy, isn’t it? YES, it is). Later this ‘Nawabzada’ got political asylum from “Great England” after giving the excuse of life threat to him, in his words “his life might be at risk if he returns to Pakistan”. The question then arises as to why this will happen? In 1992 when Hyrbyair returned to Pakistan and in 1996 he was elected to Balochistan assembly and took charge as Education Minister; As expected very soon he was found guilty of billions dollar embezzlement and killing Justice Nawaz Marri. He had no choice left other then escaping from Pakistan and what place could be safer hideout for thieves, robbers and killers other than United Kingdom?
Hope the above paragraph is ENOUGH for new generation to know how “HONEST” Mr. Hyrbyair is with people of Pakistan especially Balochistan. Now let’s get back to actual topic that made me write this article. On 19th January, 2015; Hyrbyair wrote to Britain for play their “moral and legal” role to protect activists like him who are not just dishonest, corrupt but killers as well. Hyrbyair also put some bogus allegations on Pakistan military, in his words
Pakistan military is committing gross human rights in Balochistan to prolong its 67 year illegal occupation on Baloch land. They have martyred thousands of Baloch and several thousand have been disappeared who are missing without a trace from last many years.”
This statement highlights the character of Hyrbyair as it gives birth to more serious and multifaceted questions such as:
·        If Balochistan is occupied by military since last 67 years how come Balochistan assembly elected Hyrbyair?
·        If he was elected under military leadership then how the military let Hyrbyair become Minister of Balochistan? Or is he trying to say that he was also working under military and was “involved” in immoral, embezzlement and other illegal activities?
·        If thousands of Baloch have been “martyred” and kidnapped by military why Hyrbyair is hiding in United Kingdom and letting his people die here? Or maybe his life is more valuable than the Baloch people whom he brainwashed to do anti-state activities.
·        From where his organization is getting forgein weapons and from where he is getting the trained manpower for using these weapons against Pakistan’s military? Etc etc etc… these NEVER ending questions are NEVER replied by Hyrbyair and we don’t even expect it from a deceit conspirator like him.
The purpose of this statement of Hyrbyair was just to make his masters realize that the time has come to serve him just like he served them in spreading anarchy in Balochistan. As Government Of Pakistan has taken the strict action against all those anarchists who are working under RAW, CIA and Mossad’s umbrella to separate Balochistan from Pakistan.
By his confused and perplexed statements one can easily analyze the intensity of panic attacks that Hyrbyair has started to have right after the announcement of Government Of Pakistan to chase and hunt-down all the terrorists and vandals working under anti-state elements across Pakistan. The interested part begin when earlier Hyrbyair was talking about “illegal occupation on Baloch land” and the very next moment he started accusing military by saying that they are doing all this to get additional aid from world; once again question arise, is Hyrbyair trying to say that army is killing its own soldiers to get aid? So Mr. Hyrbyair, that means YOUR separatists are following the same doctrine i.e. killing and kidnapping innocent Baloch civilians to gain more funds from RAW, NDS and Mossad to destabilize Pakistan? And of course after all that, in return you are getting the “Luxurious” life that a common Baloch couldn’t even dream of. Too bad that in excessive urgency you clutter up EVERYTHING and hammered your own foot.
There was a point where Hyrbyair got so hasty that he begin to flu jab here to get world’s attention by saying that military weapons getting from China and Western world is been used against Baloch people. I am amazed to see how childish and strange kind of stories Hyrbyair is cooking in his dream world, seriously. Pakistan is fighting terrorism since 9-11 and instead of using these expensive weapons to maintaining Law and order situation of the state, military is going all the way from borders to inside Balochistan just to kill some bunch of civilians? How lame! On the other hand while talking about “democratic values and protection of human rights” he does not respond nor explain anything regarding the foreign weapons that his militants (the so-called separatists) are using against army and pro-Pakistani Baloch. And the MOST important question is from where and how they are getting foreign weapons to challenge the writ of state? His armed militants are continuously found guilty in kidnapping civilians, torturing and then killing them and what Hyrbyair is talking about protection of these militants? Wow, I must say he got some real GOOD moral fiber to impress his foreign masters! 
We as a common Baloch asking the world to stop protecting people like Hyrbyair and other foreign baked anti-sate elements in Pakistan who are taking funds from the enemies and using it against innocent un-armed civilians of Balochistan. As a free Pakistani, it is our basic human right to live with peace in our own soil where our forefathers decided to be part of Pakistan. Our protection under international laws is the responsibility of civilized world; therefore, all the separatist leaders MUST be hand over to Pakistan for doing treason as it has become necessary for maintaining the writ of state; the traitors SHOULD be prosecuted and punished after strict trial.
The paragraph in which Hyrbyair discussed the hundred and eight years old stories of treaties and the departure of British Raaj is a “master piece” of its own kind that NO one has read EVER before. This whole paragraph is evidence how good Hyrbyair is in cooking stories; in fact this is the height of “Lies and Deception” which cannot be even measured as even a school boy can tell you that this had NEVER happened in recorded history. But Hyrbyair knows the fact that whatever he is going to say would be known as truth because he has strong backing of big anti-Pakistani crocodiles, the very same crocodiles who are helping corrupt politicians to rule the country. Then who is going to counter these allegations?  Army ? Who is already fighting on every front?
But again check his bad luck, while chewing all these lies, one thing was forgotten by Hyrbyair and guess what it is? PATRIOTS, the patriots who are ALWAYS here to defend the honor and dignity of this land with STRONG potential to screw nut heads traitors like ‘NAWABZADA’ Hyrbyair.  The agreements Hyrbyair is mentioning again and again and again is NEVER seen by ANYONE else except he himself and of course his masters who made a fake copy of it for him.

By all these studies one thing is crystal clear that “Hyrbyair is a compulsive liar” and the day is not far when he will rue the day when he and his father decided to betray Pakistan. On the other hand UK must rethink its policy of harboring terrorists in its land. This is the order of the day!


  1. Death For Anti State Elements
    Crush Them

  2. Best Analysis Of His Corrupt & Dirty Game Plans Against This Sacred Land Of PAKISTAN

  3. Traitors like Harbyar should be publically hanged to be made an example out of them
