Wednesday 4 May 2016

Enemies of Balouchistan

Blochs are one of the most blessed people on earth by all means; their vast country from central Asia till the Baloch Sea in Indian Ocean is full of the most precious treasures materially and spiritually. They are one of the richest nations in the world if they assess their assets of gold, oil, gas, Uranium, and precious stones. They own the longest coast in Asia 1700 km on the opening of strait of Hurmag (Hurmuz) till Karachi. India wants to destabilize the Baluchistan and Pakistan. Indian agency is working inside Baluchistan for its separation from Pakistan. Although Pakistan’s civil and military leadership has repeatedly stated that Indian secret agency, RAW supports separatism in the province of Baluchistan, and its evidence has shown many times and the main evidence is RAW agent Kulbhustn Yadav, who was caught by security forces from Baluchistan. Many Baloch leaders are also working with Indian agency, their aim is to earn dollars, they dam care about Baloch people and Pakistan. There was one seminar organized by the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) in New Delhi having the title “Pakistan is Problem in Baluchistan”. It was headed by the former secretary of RAW and Indian former chief of army staff. In that conference, high ranking selective officials, journalists and three Baloch leaders, namely, Dr Wahid Baloch, Khan of Kalat and Munir Mengal participated. Recently confirmed the presence of the representative of Baloch leader Nawabzada Hyrbyair Marri in New Delhi. The London-based Mr. Marri confirmed to The Hindu that Mr. Pardili has been assigned the task of representing him in public events in India. Mr. Pardili has begun campaigning for the freedom of Baluchistan from Pakistan. In an exclusive interview to The Hindu, Brahumdagh Bugti has called on India to back the secessionist struggle in Pakistan's largest province. Naela Qadri Baloch denied having any information about alleged Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) agent Kulbhustn Yadav, whom Pakistan claims to have arrested from Baluchistan and she also spoke to The Indian Express on the role India can play in helping the Baloch gain freedom. India and these Baloch leaders are not in the favor of Baluchistan’s progress. India wants this province of Pakistan because Indian knows its importance and these Baloch leaders have sold their province to India just for the sake of money and now they are working with Indian agency RAW for separation of Baluchistan from Pakistan. Indian spy agency RAW and Afghan intelligence agency are involved in militancy and terrorism in Baluchistan. Leaders of Baloch Sub Nationalist parties are living abroad in a self-exile and sponsoring terror in Baluchistan on the order of their foreign masters. Afghanistan is their main hub for living. Afghanistan is totally silent on this issue. Living in a country and exporting terrorism to the other country is a crime but Afghanistan, instead of stopping them, allowing them to do so as they have their own interest in it. Security forces and Govt of Pakistan have their all intentions towards development of Baluchistan and to maintain peace in it. On a void stage, terrorism has stopped by security forces and educational institutions are developed for shining future of Baloch people. As compared to past now Govt has more intentions towards the progress of Baluchistan. CPEC is the biggest evidence of their aim.