Thursday 5 May 2016

Naela Qaudri Baloch: An Indian Agent

Naela Quadri Baloch, self-styled president of the World Baloch Women Forum is in India for some time and using Indian media to spread venom against Pakistan, while promoting banned Baloch organizations. She was born July 18, 1965 in Shaal (Quetta). In 2005 she was leading series of Baloch women’s protest in Shaal (Quetta). After that she shifted permanently to London and now a days she is in India to counter RAW spy agent caught by Pak Forces. In her article carried by the Times of India, Naela Quadri Baloch blamed the Nawaz Sharif-led government of genocide against Balochis, and sought India’s intervention in Balochistan. Recently, she gave a lengthy interview to Times of India and while speaking with Aarti Tikoo Singh, Naela Baloch distorted the history accusing that Pakistan ‘seized’ Balochistan, many Baloch people have been killed, and 25000 people including women and children are missing. It is abundantly clear from her conjectures and lies that she speaks RAW’s language, which is apparently a response to the arrest of RAW terrorist and spy Kulbushan Yadav. Earlier, she was in Chahbahar having contacts the Indian consulates in Iran and Afghanistan and working as per Indian designs.

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