Wednesday 13 May 2015

Connect the Dots

Drunk people are like babies; they could hardly walk straight, manage things on their own, speak properly and even make sense while communicating simple stuff. They just keep doing strange random activities in unusual way and end up usually in the most hilarious way that no one can-hardly resist laughing out loud.
That’s ok if someone is drunk BUT if not then it could be worryingly ALARMING, it begins to raise so many questions, like if the person is facing serious physical or mental-health illness, having problem handling jealousy, threatened to do something that they don’t want to do or may be working on some “agendas” for their regular remuneration package…
You can take it on a serious note or a complete crap, depending upon the intensity of stupidity or cleverness that you observe by your sharp powers of observation and clutch their clever crossword clue. Whatever the case is, it cannot go unseen by those who have “eyes of the Hawk”.
However, we cannot always take such people so seriously but when it comes to matters of national security measures, things MUST be done in a very appropriate and significant manner, especially when you are fighting a war that has been imposed on you and the enemy is attacking you from all sides at the same time. In such cases, there are bright chances that whatever they do or say has meaning behind it. It is possible that they may be telling the story from what they see or may be “chewing” the words that have been given in their mouth by “someone” else.
These kinds of people should be dealt officially; and if found guilty they must be shutdown once and for all, to set an example for every single person who takes national security as a joke. The message should be given loud and clear, it SHOULD be something like “anybody messing around with matters of national security will be given bloody noses”. This might seem bloody harsh but that’s the reality of establishing and maintaining the stable law and order situation for any country.
For example in 2014, a large quantity of anti-Pakistan literature as well as maps of a separate Balochistan were recovered during a raid of Attashad Degree College in Turbat district of Balochistan. It was also reported that one of the students was suspiciously found brainwashing students to conduct acts of terrorism in the country by a secret intelligence service. Frontier Corps (FC) claims after raid and further investigations unveil many clandestine talks and recovered material that included separatist leaflets, banners and posters, books including Nehru and Gandhi’s biographies and books about Baloch separation. These books were printed in Karachi and neighboring countries.
Despite knowing all these details yet many journalists are trying to twist things in a way that create doubts even in a mature mind. For example, couple of days backs a female writer tried to dig a year back story and thrown out disruption of her mind in a well-known news paper. According to basic principles of journalism, she had to come-up with something logical BUT unfortunately there was nothing left logical in that story after FC’s raid and proofs shown to media; so she tried to complicate things by questioning like:
·        Public schools in Balochistan teach neither Balochi nor Brahui; (keep that in mind that in every province of Pakistan, except Sindh, there may be hardly few schools teaching provincial language; then why her only focus was conjecturing around Balochistan?)
·        Works by Gandhi cannot be found in Balochistan. (Honestly speaking, that was the most ridiculous part of her whole argument on war of language; I mean seriously, are we talking about some Indian province here? What is the Gandhi’s role in Balochistan? Is he Allama Iqbal that she got so concerned about his missing literature?)
·        As there is no institute in Balochistan that offers Balochi or Brahui that means it is the fault of establishment. (If that is the case then what is the job of elected members in Balochistan assembly? if they don’t want to make Balochi and Brahui as elective subject will that be fault of someone living in Gilgit-Baltistan?)
·        The writer was invited in a university in Turbat where she was asked to take a look at a room full of dusty cartons filled with Balochi books. (Was that also the fault of the establishment that the university management did not bother to thresh books before inviting guests?)

Before concluding I would like to remind you few points that were going in back burner; Many of you are well-aware of the plan leaked years back by Pakistan Intelligence services that discloses the extreme sensitive information regarding a resolution passed in the US Congress to divide Pakistan and shape out an independent Balochistan to establish India’s hegemony over Pakistan; Not only that but US wants to control Afghanistan-Balochistan to link the Central Asian energy oil and gas pipelines with Gwadar and delink Pakistan and Iran by carving out Balochistan and obviate the Iran-Pakistan energy/gas pipelines. Last but not the least “establish Pro-US military presence in Balochistan for upcoming US-Israeli war against Iran.
So, apparently the whole argument of war on language was nothing but a complete waste of time and a message in between the brackets; Somehow the lady wants to create doubts regarding that year back raid in which a large number of anti-Pakistan literature was found, she is directly maligning the reputation of security forces and law enforcement agencies who are the BIGGEST hurdle between latching Balochistan with Pakistan, on such a crucial stage when the enemy is trying hard to cripple Pakistan by separating Balochistan that has 46 percent of its territory with large mineral resources, besides the future global port of Gwadar.
I guess there is nothing left to share more BUT keep that in mind “It took years of hard work to connect the dots and unveil such types of conspiracies”
(Above paragraph’s information was taken from )

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