Tuesday 17 May 2016

Few More Facts

Balouchistan is one of the most blessed place on earth by all means. It is full of the most precious treasures materially and spiritually. Balochs are one of the richest nations in the world if they assess their assets of gold, oil, gas, Uranium, and precious stones. India wants to destabilize the Baluchistan and Pakistan. Indian agency is working inside Baluchistan for its separation from Pakistan. Although Pakistan’s civil and military leadership has repeatedly stated that Indian secret agency, RAW supports separatism in the province of Baluchistan. Many Baloch leaders are also working with Indian agency, their aim is to earn dollars, and they don’t care about Baloch people and Pakistan. With these Baloch leaders some parties are also working to destabilize Pakistan. BLA is the one of the main party, which is working in Baluchistan in favor of India. Naela Qadri Baloch, Tariq Fateh, Mama Qadeer, Hyrbyair Marri, Brahumdagh Bugti, Karima Baloch and some other faces who all are working with Indian official in separation of Balouchistan from Pakistan. Many of these were found in meetings with Indian officials in India. They call Indian government to support them in separation of Balouchistan. Some of them are part of terrorist groups and supporting terrorism in their own province Balouchistan. These all are the main hindrance in development of Balouchistan. They all are enjoying in abroad countries and their aim is to earn money and they are doing this by helping Indian agencies in Balouchistan. Internet is full with their evidence of rebellion from Baloch people and their province. Security forces and Baloch people are working together in development of Balouchistan. Baloch will not let these people succeed in their aims.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Naela Qaudri Baloch: An Indian Agent

Naela Quadri Baloch, self-styled president of the World Baloch Women Forum is in India for some time and using Indian media to spread venom against Pakistan, while promoting banned Baloch organizations. She was born July 18, 1965 in Shaal (Quetta). In 2005 she was leading series of Baloch women’s protest in Shaal (Quetta). After that she shifted permanently to London and now a days she is in India to counter RAW spy agent caught by Pak Forces. In her article carried by the Times of India, Naela Quadri Baloch blamed the Nawaz Sharif-led government of genocide against Balochis, and sought India’s intervention in Balochistan. Recently, she gave a lengthy interview to Times of India and while speaking with Aarti Tikoo Singh, Naela Baloch distorted the history accusing that Pakistan ‘seized’ Balochistan, many Baloch people have been killed, and 25000 people including women and children are missing. It is abundantly clear from her conjectures and lies that she speaks RAW’s language, which is apparently a response to the arrest of RAW terrorist and spy Kulbushan Yadav. Earlier, she was in Chahbahar having contacts the Indian consulates in Iran and Afghanistan and working as per Indian designs.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Enemies of Balouchistan

Blochs are one of the most blessed people on earth by all means; their vast country from central Asia till the Baloch Sea in Indian Ocean is full of the most precious treasures materially and spiritually. They are one of the richest nations in the world if they assess their assets of gold, oil, gas, Uranium, and precious stones. They own the longest coast in Asia 1700 km on the opening of strait of Hurmag (Hurmuz) till Karachi. India wants to destabilize the Baluchistan and Pakistan. Indian agency is working inside Baluchistan for its separation from Pakistan. Although Pakistan’s civil and military leadership has repeatedly stated that Indian secret agency, RAW supports separatism in the province of Baluchistan, and its evidence has shown many times and the main evidence is RAW agent Kulbhustn Yadav, who was caught by security forces from Baluchistan. Many Baloch leaders are also working with Indian agency, their aim is to earn dollars, they dam care about Baloch people and Pakistan. There was one seminar organized by the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) in New Delhi having the title “Pakistan is Problem in Baluchistan”. It was headed by the former secretary of RAW and Indian former chief of army staff. In that conference, high ranking selective officials, journalists and three Baloch leaders, namely, Dr Wahid Baloch, Khan of Kalat and Munir Mengal participated. Recently confirmed the presence of the representative of Baloch leader Nawabzada Hyrbyair Marri in New Delhi. The London-based Mr. Marri confirmed to The Hindu that Mr. Pardili has been assigned the task of representing him in public events in India. Mr. Pardili has begun campaigning for the freedom of Baluchistan from Pakistan. In an exclusive interview to The Hindu, Brahumdagh Bugti has called on India to back the secessionist struggle in Pakistan's largest province. Naela Qadri Baloch denied having any information about alleged Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) agent Kulbhustn Yadav, whom Pakistan claims to have arrested from Baluchistan and she also spoke to The Indian Express on the role India can play in helping the Baloch gain freedom. India and these Baloch leaders are not in the favor of Baluchistan’s progress. India wants this province of Pakistan because Indian knows its importance and these Baloch leaders have sold their province to India just for the sake of money and now they are working with Indian agency RAW for separation of Baluchistan from Pakistan. Indian spy agency RAW and Afghan intelligence agency are involved in militancy and terrorism in Baluchistan. Leaders of Baloch Sub Nationalist parties are living abroad in a self-exile and sponsoring terror in Baluchistan on the order of their foreign masters. Afghanistan is their main hub for living. Afghanistan is totally silent on this issue. Living in a country and exporting terrorism to the other country is a crime but Afghanistan, instead of stopping them, allowing them to do so as they have their own interest in it. Security forces and Govt of Pakistan have their all intentions towards development of Baluchistan and to maintain peace in it. On a void stage, terrorism has stopped by security forces and educational institutions are developed for shining future of Baloch people. As compared to past now Govt has more intentions towards the progress of Baluchistan. CPEC is the biggest evidence of their aim.

Monday 29 June 2015

CPEC: A Key Opportunity For Socio Economic Development of Balochistan

Imagine how ridiculous that sounds, when someone, who is born under the shadow of luxuries, lived there all his life in the ‘Glare of Money’, ignoring the fact that there are many living around his kingdom depending upon his mercy that he' nor his forefather ever spare. The life of common people in their surrounding was nothing but utter slavery; forget about asking for the rights with strong courage, they never even dare to beg these Sardari-Kings, ever.
Yes, that’s right; I am talking about the Sardars and Nawabs of Balochistan who are ruling poor Baloch since the time of independence but even after decades of rule they could not provide the basic facilities to their people. Saying that would be more appropriate that these rulers did not let their people have healthy life style; schools to hospitals, government to private sectors, roads to sewage system, in short nothing had been done that could help the common man in Balochistan.

                Beside taking share from budget these Sardars and Nawabs also used to take share of billions of rupees from ‘gas-wells’ in Balochistan BUT where all that money has gone, no one knows, not even government of Balochistan. Even a common man can tell you that why there was no development done during the period these Sardars have ruled Balochistan. I wonder why Balochistan government never had any check and balance on these elected Sardars sitting in the assembly; anyways it is a different debate that may not be relevant to my the topic; so let’s just get back to REAL issue of today: CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor).

                Couple of days back I scanned through a blog that was trying to create confusion by putting up so many misleading questions on CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor). In my views, these types of questions should not go un-noticed as it can easily distract common populace. So, here I am putting forward fact shed to all those questions one by one:

-          Multi-billion dollar economic corridor deal between Pakistan and China is aimed at colonizing the Balochistan province, and must be resisted.
Interesting, someone like grandson of Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti is talking about colonization in Balochistan? Especially when something really reassuring is going to happen for poor’s living in Balochistan? What these Nawabzadaz have done for people of Balochistan? Clean water? No; Good roads? No; Health and educational sectors? No; electricity and gas? No, nothing. Now ‘Mr. Perfect’ sitting in comfortable couch in Switzerland with dozen of pretty faces around him declaring a billion dollar project as ‘colonizing the Balochistan province’? wow that’s some REAL sincerity with the poor people of Balochistan?
-          Balochistan remains Pakistan’s poorest and least populous province.
Who is responsible for this? of course all those Nawabs and Sardars who had been elected by the people of Balochistan. Just for Mr. Brahamdagh Bugti’s information, let me take you back to the history for a while as he might have forgotten his forefather’s dodgy past; The Provincial Assembly of Balochistan was constituted under a Presidential order in 1972. The foundation of the present Assembly building was laid in 1973 by the Governor Mohammed Akbar Khan Bugti, from that time and till now ONLY Sardars and Nawabs are controlling Balochistan Assembly. If they haven’t done their job right, would that be fault of someone living in Punjab or Gilgit-Baltistan?

-          Rebel groups have waged a separatist insurgency in the province for decades, complaining that the central government in Islamabad and the richer Punjab province unfairly exploit their resources.

-          So finally they are admitting that the insurgents in Balochistan who are involved in anti-state activities in the name of so called ‘Narazgi’ (Anger) are just playing Naraz-Baloch card for Balochistan resources? Everything is in Balochistan, Sardars and Nawabs are controlling it then what this ‘Narazgi’ has to do with other provinces? It’s ‘I’ start putting blame on ‘my’ brother in-law’s wife for ‘my’ dirty kitchen instead of asking my wife to keep it clean; sorry for this example but that’s exactly how these RAW sponsored rebels are talking since decades..

-          Islamabad reacted to the insurgency by launching a military operation.
-          Brahamdagh Bugti, leader of the Baloch Republican Party living in exile in Switzerland, and grandson of slain nationalist leader Akbar Bugti, talks about the separatists’ stance on the Pakistani-Chinese deal.
So those who are fighting with heavy weapons and heavy explosives should be left free for roaming around in the Urban Areas of Balochistan? They should be set-free to bomb trains, damage public property and gas pipelines just because they are ‘angry’? Imagine how un-professional that sounds. Militants are angry on government and killing innocents in Balochistan’s markets, bus stops, railway stations and even using hand grenades on houses where innocent women and children live; should government of Pakistan let these militants do all that crap just because they are ‘ANGRY’? Are you even in your senses Mr. Bugti?

-          The Baloch separatist demand a share of the financial benefits and doesn’t allow China and the Punjab to use Balochistan for their benefits.
Government of Pakistan is giving all finances to elected members in Balochistan assembly. If militants are un-happy with that they should come through proper channel. Take part in elections, get elected, sit in assembly and talk like a ‘human’ if they are really seeking for ‘human rights’.

-          Some Baloch leaders have also complained that Islamabad deliberately changed the corridor route in favor of the Punjab, avoiding Balochistan’s key cities.
Mr. Brahamdagh Bugti now there are three arteries running in CPEC covering all the provinces of Pakistan. Stop lying from a cozy living room of Switzerland. Three CPEC routes – western, central and eastern alignments – were under consideration. Although the government insisted on building the western alignment in the first phase. The western route starts from Gwadar and passes through Turbat, Panjgur, Nag, Basima, Sorab, Qalat, Quetta, Qilla Saifullah and Zhob in Balochistan to reach Dera Ismail Khan in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and then heading to Hassan Abdal before reaching Islamabad.

-          There will be massive human rights abuses in Balochistan because of this deal.
A business deal that can help not only improve infrastructure of Balochistan but also can provide massive job opportunities for engineers, labors, architectures and businessmen community in particularly  for only Balochistan people. This megaproject is a massive investment plan that will transform Balochistan into a huge regional economic hub, in the region.

-          Isn’t there terrorism in the Punjab, in Karachi, and in other parts of Pakistan? But are there people attacked by helicopters like the residents of Balochistan?

I can present hundreds of examples in response to this illogical statement. Pakistan has been put in state of war and military action can be taken any time ANYWHERE needed depending upon how critical the intensity of  situation is, even in the heart of Islamabad someone challenging writ of the government and threatening/harassing civilians with weapons in their hands, government has not spare them no matter what. Lal-Masjid is the BIGGEST example, were they Baloch? No; they were only doing illegal activities and disturbing ‘law and order situation’ just like militants are doing in Balochistan. Government is dealing all terrorists equally; doesn’t matter if they are living in FATA or Loralai.

-          Everyone knows how the lawmakers get elected to Balochistan’s provincial assembly.
This argument is quite interesting. Brahamdagh’s grandfather had been part of the Balochistan assembly and remained as governor of the province, by lifting such points isn’t he actually leaving BIG question mark on the ‘era’ when his grandfather was part of the elected government’?

-          CPEC would not bring any prosperity to people of Balochistan.

I wonder what makes Mr. Brahamdagh feels that this development project will not bring any prosperity to people of Balochistan. He nor his forefathers or any other Sardar in Balochistan could bring such type of mega projects for the Socio economic development of Balochistan (except Gwadar project which was also completed in General Mushraf’s era).

-          Some clerical jobs? We don’t want to be the gatekeepers of gas pipelines; we demand a fair share of the wealth for our province.
This again leave question mark on all those Sardars and Nawabs who never took interest in education sector of Balochistan. When you provide no educational facilities to people of this province how these people can get job of some engineer?  After ruling decades you people have not done nothing for poor Baloch, children of Sardars and Nawabs are completing studies in Oxford university but a common Baloch living in the deserts of Balochistan doesn’t even have a proper school in Balochistan. Baloch are having 6 percent quota in civil superior services of Pakistan & Balochistan public service commission is only for the people of Balochistan which offers merit & quota based jobs to Baloch people.

                If Sardars have been ruling Baloch people then it is their responsibility to provide basic facilities to Baloch citizen that includes clean water, better health and educational facilities, schools and hospitals, buildings roads and power supplies along with proper sewerage system. BUT nothing has been done so far, since past decade government of Pakistan is building school, colleges and universities in Balochistan with the help of Pakistan Army. Many small projects are already under process and CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic corridor) is above all those projects. These development projects are ray of hope to end Sardari and Nawabi colonization in Balochistan, for them which is very hard to digest.

                I, as a responsible citizen of Pakistan, urge all these Sardars and Nawabs to eradicate this self-exiled life and instead of seeking for political asylum in Switzerland and England ‘return to Pakistan’ and do something good for Baloch what their forefather could never do.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

زندہ لاکھ کا،تو مرا ؟

اگر آپ اپنے گردو نواح  کا جائزہ لیں توآپ کو بہت سی ایسی مخلوقات اپنے اردگرد  چلتی پھرتی دیکھائی دیں گی جو بظاہر تو اپنے آپ کو انسانی حقوق کے کارکن (ہیومن رائیٹ ایکٹوسٹ)کہتی نظر آئیں گی مگرحقیقت میں ان کا انسانی حقوق سے دور دور تک کوئی لینا دینا نہیں ہو گا۔  یقین کریں، اگر ان سے متعلق آپ ایک سے دو دن بھی  ہلکا پھلکا سا مطالعہ کر لیں  گے تو ان کی متعصب اور یکطرفہ سوچ سے اچھی طرح سے واقف ہو جائیں گے۔ باقی سب کو تو چھوڑ ہی  دیجئے، مجھ سے خود بھی ان کو سننے کی غلطی سرزد ہوئی تھی  اسی لیے  میں یہ سوچ سوچ کر  حیران ہوں کہ لوگ آخر  ان پر یقین کر کیسے لیتے ہیں؟
تو 9 اپریل 2015 بروز جمعرات  شام 6 بج کر 30 منٹ پر  پاکستان کی معروف نجی  یونیورسٹی " لمز " کے شعبہ سیاسیات نے ایک سیمینار منعقد کرنا تھاجو شروع ہونے سے پہلے ہی حکومت کی جانب سے یونیورسٹی کو منسوخ کرنے کاحکم جاری کر دیا گیا تھا، جس پر سیمینار  منعقد کرانے والوں نے سوشل میڈیا پر فوراً  ہی پاکستان کی ایجنسیز کے خلاف ایک منظم مہم کا آغاز کر دیا۔ایسے معلوم ہو رہا تھا جیسے وہ پہلے سے ہی شور شرابے کے لیے تیار بیٹھے ہوئے تھے، دیکھنے والوں نے یہ بھی دیکھا کہ کچھ حضرات ٹویٹر پر یہ کہتے نظر آئے  کہ اس سیمینار کو "ڈی- جی -آئی- ایس -آئی" کے براہ راست حکم سے منسوخ کرایا گیا ہے۔
اس بات کے چند گھنٹوں کے اندر ہی بہت سے حقائق سامنے آنا شروع ہو گئے جن  میں سے چیدہ چیدہ یہ ہیں۔۔۔ سیمینار کو منعقد کرنے والے  ڈاکٹر تیمور رحمان تھے، مہمانوں میں 2 اور اہم ناموں کا بھی ذکر کرنا ضروری ہے ، ایک ماما قدیر اور دوسرا  'میر محمد علی تال پور۔  تھوڑی سی ہی تحقیق کرنے پر کچھ حیرت انگیز انکشافات سامنے آئے، میر محمد علی تال پوردراصل  اسد رحمان  جو کہ تیمور رحمان کے سگے چچا ہیں کے قریبی ساتھیوں میں سے ایک ہیں۔۔اگر ان کے ماضی کا جائزہ لیا جائے تو بہت سے سوالات کے جواب ایسے ہولناک آئیں گے کہ کسی  بھی محب وطن پاکستانی کے لیے لمحہ فکریہ بن سکتے ہیں۔  میر محمد علی تال پور اور اسد رحمان  آج سے 4 دہائی پہلے سویت اور بھارتی خفیہ ایجنسیز کے ساتھ مل کر پاکستان کے خلاف افغانستان میں بیٹھ کر سازشیں رچاتے رہے ہیں(سویت انٹیلیجنس سروس  نے "بی-ایس-او " کو پاکستان کے خلاف استعمال کرنے کے لیے افغانستان میں تیار کروایا تھا)۔
لمز یونیورسٹی ان حضرات کی حرکتوں سے باخوبی واقف ہو گئی اس لیےسیمینار کا تو سوال ہی پیدا نہیں ہونا تھا، لہذا انہوں نے ایک نیا ہدف تلاش کیا۔ وہ نیا ہدف کراچی کی ایک خاتون "سبین محمود"تھی جو غریبوں کے لیئے اپنے دل میں  بہت درد رکھتی تھی۔ سیمینار منعقد کروانے کے لیے سبین کے سامنے یقیناً وہی رونے روئے گے جو ماما قدیر ہر جگہ روتا پھرتا تھا۔ سبین محمود نےماما قدیر پر ترس کھا کر  ان لوگوں کے لیے سیمینار منعقد کروا دیا۔ مگر ستم ظریفی دیکھیں کہ جس عورت کو انہوں نے مدد کے بہانے ورغلایا، اسی کی پیٹھ میں اپنے مفادات کے لیےبعد ازاں چھرا بھی گھونپ ڈالا۔ چونکہ سیمینار سے کسی قسم کا فائدہ ان لوگوں کو نہیں پہنچا اور کوئی میڈیا کورئج بھی حاصل نہیں ہوئی تو سیمینار کے فوراً بعد سبین کو گھر جاتے ہوئے رستے میں ہی گولیا ں مار کر قتل کر دیا گیا،بلکل ایسے ہی جیسے بلوچستان میں بی-آر-اے اور بی-ایل-اے کے وہ دہشت گرد غریب بلوچ عوام کا قتل کرتے تھے جن کے لیے ماما قدیر اور ان کا بیٹا کام کرتے تھے۔
 تیمور رحمان جس لابی میں ہے  اور جس سیاسی ایجنڈے پر کام کر رہا ہے اس پر مجھے اب کوئی شک نہیں رہا، اور ماما قدیر کی حقیقت تو بہت پہلے ہی سامنے آگئی تھی۔اتنا کچھ ہو گیا  مگر نہ تو جلیل ریکی کے باپ   ماما قدیر کو کچھ ہوا اور نہ ہی اسد رحمان کے بھتیجےتیمور لال  کو کچھ ہوا۔ مگر نقصان ہوا کس کا؟؟ وہ جو ان کی باتوں میں آگئی تھی؟
میرا ماننا ہے کہ چونکہ ان لوگوں  کے ماضی سے متعلق عام لوگ نا واقف ہیں لہذا وہ ان لوگوں کی الٹی سیدہی باتوں میں  بھی جلدی آ جاتے ہیں۔ کراچی میں ہونے والا سبین محمود کا قتل  کیس اس کی سب سے بڑی مثال ہے۔ سبین محمود کے ذریعے پہلے سیمینار منعقد کرایا  گیا تاکہ لمز کی طرزکا ایک اور "سین کیریٹ" کیا جا سکے۔ مگر ایسا نہ ہوسکا اور نہ ہی کسی نے اس معمولی سے سیمینار کو سنجیدگی سے لیا۔ پھرماما قدیر اور اس کے ساتھی کیسے سب کی توجہ حاصل کرتے؟ سبین کو قتل کروا  کے اگر الزام پھر سے حساس اداروں پر لگا دیا جائے تو ظاہری سی بات ہےجیسے نا معلوم افراد والا ڈنکنا بجا تھا ویسے ہی اس "سٹنٹ" کے ذریعے ماما قدیر کی ڈوبتی ہوئی ساک دوبارہ سے بحال کی جا سکتی تھی۔ سبین کی مثال ان لوگوں کے لیے اُس ہاتھی کی سی تھی جو اگر زندہ لاکھ کا ہوتا ہے تو مرنے کے بعد سوا لاکھ کا ہو جاتا ہے۔ ۔ افسوس کے ماما قدیر کی حقیقت سےچونکہ عام عوام نا واقف ہیں لہذا ہمیں سبین جیسی خاتون کی جان سے اسکی قیمت ادا کرنی پڑی۔۔

میری درخواست ہے کہ ماما قدیر اور دہشت گردوں کے باقی ماندہ تمام ترجمانوں اور حمایتیوں کے ساتھ ریاست سختی سے نبٹے، حکومت چھوٹے بچوں کی طرح آرمی کی انگلی تھام کر جیسے پاؤں پاؤں چل رہی ہے اس سے تو لگتا ہے کہ جیسے ہم نے حکمرانوں کو ووٹ نہیں دیا بلکہ دودھ پیتا بچہ گود لے لیا ہے جسکی حفاظت بھی ہمارے پیش پڑ گئی ہے۔

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Connect the Dots

Drunk people are like babies; they could hardly walk straight, manage things on their own, speak properly and even make sense while communicating simple stuff. They just keep doing strange random activities in unusual way and end up usually in the most hilarious way that no one can-hardly resist laughing out loud.
That’s ok if someone is drunk BUT if not then it could be worryingly ALARMING, it begins to raise so many questions, like if the person is facing serious physical or mental-health illness, having problem handling jealousy, threatened to do something that they don’t want to do or may be working on some “agendas” for their regular remuneration package…
You can take it on a serious note or a complete crap, depending upon the intensity of stupidity or cleverness that you observe by your sharp powers of observation and clutch their clever crossword clue. Whatever the case is, it cannot go unseen by those who have “eyes of the Hawk”.
However, we cannot always take such people so seriously but when it comes to matters of national security measures, things MUST be done in a very appropriate and significant manner, especially when you are fighting a war that has been imposed on you and the enemy is attacking you from all sides at the same time. In such cases, there are bright chances that whatever they do or say has meaning behind it. It is possible that they may be telling the story from what they see or may be “chewing” the words that have been given in their mouth by “someone” else.
These kinds of people should be dealt officially; and if found guilty they must be shutdown once and for all, to set an example for every single person who takes national security as a joke. The message should be given loud and clear, it SHOULD be something like “anybody messing around with matters of national security will be given bloody noses”. This might seem bloody harsh but that’s the reality of establishing and maintaining the stable law and order situation for any country.
For example in 2014, a large quantity of anti-Pakistan literature as well as maps of a separate Balochistan were recovered during a raid of Attashad Degree College in Turbat district of Balochistan. It was also reported that one of the students was suspiciously found brainwashing students to conduct acts of terrorism in the country by a secret intelligence service. Frontier Corps (FC) claims after raid and further investigations unveil many clandestine talks and recovered material that included separatist leaflets, banners and posters, books including Nehru and Gandhi’s biographies and books about Baloch separation. These books were printed in Karachi and neighboring countries.
Despite knowing all these details yet many journalists are trying to twist things in a way that create doubts even in a mature mind. For example, couple of days backs a female writer tried to dig a year back story and thrown out disruption of her mind in a well-known news paper. According to basic principles of journalism, she had to come-up with something logical BUT unfortunately there was nothing left logical in that story after FC’s raid and proofs shown to media; so she tried to complicate things by questioning like:
·        Public schools in Balochistan teach neither Balochi nor Brahui; (keep that in mind that in every province of Pakistan, except Sindh, there may be hardly few schools teaching provincial language; then why her only focus was conjecturing around Balochistan?)
·        Works by Gandhi cannot be found in Balochistan. (Honestly speaking, that was the most ridiculous part of her whole argument on war of language; I mean seriously, are we talking about some Indian province here? What is the Gandhi’s role in Balochistan? Is he Allama Iqbal that she got so concerned about his missing literature?)
·        As there is no institute in Balochistan that offers Balochi or Brahui that means it is the fault of establishment. (If that is the case then what is the job of elected members in Balochistan assembly? if they don’t want to make Balochi and Brahui as elective subject will that be fault of someone living in Gilgit-Baltistan?)
·        The writer was invited in a university in Turbat where she was asked to take a look at a room full of dusty cartons filled with Balochi books. (Was that also the fault of the establishment that the university management did not bother to thresh books before inviting guests?)

Before concluding I would like to remind you few points that were going in back burner; Many of you are well-aware of the plan leaked years back by Pakistan Intelligence services that discloses the extreme sensitive information regarding a resolution passed in the US Congress to divide Pakistan and shape out an independent Balochistan to establish India’s hegemony over Pakistan; Not only that but US wants to control Afghanistan-Balochistan to link the Central Asian energy oil and gas pipelines with Gwadar and delink Pakistan and Iran by carving out Balochistan and obviate the Iran-Pakistan energy/gas pipelines. Last but not the least “establish Pro-US military presence in Balochistan for upcoming US-Israeli war against Iran.
So, apparently the whole argument of war on language was nothing but a complete waste of time and a message in between the brackets; Somehow the lady wants to create doubts regarding that year back raid in which a large number of anti-Pakistan literature was found, she is directly maligning the reputation of security forces and law enforcement agencies who are the BIGGEST hurdle between latching Balochistan with Pakistan, on such a crucial stage when the enemy is trying hard to cripple Pakistan by separating Balochistan that has 46 percent of its territory with large mineral resources, besides the future global port of Gwadar.
I guess there is nothing left to share more BUT keep that in mind “It took years of hard work to connect the dots and unveil such types of conspiracies”
(Above paragraph’s information was taken from http://pakistansecuritybrief.blogspot.com/2012/03/americas-gameplan-in-baluchistan-and.html )

Reality Of Relief Efforts In Balochistan

Awaran is a district of Balochistan that was hit by 7.7 magnitude earthquake on 24th of September, 2013. The aftershocks were even scarier for the population that was affected by earthquake; reports say that 125,000 out of 3000,000 inhabitants of the district suffered because of this natural catastrophe. Those who don’t know much about this area will be amazed to know that Awaran is one of the most underdeveloped districts of Balochistan. According to Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority’s (ERRA) estimates, this disaster took 375 lives, left more than 825 injured and twenty five thousand houses completely destroyed. Right after the disaster, as always, Army was deployed for the relief efforts immediately. According to the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR), One thousand Army personnel from Quetta and Khuzdar reached the affected areas and began relief work within few hours. Army units from Karachi also rushed to the affected areas for timely provision of medical aid. Dozens of people were trapped under the rubble of their collapsed houses; yet important to highlight that because of immediate rescue operation many lives were saved.
Pakistan Army, along with FC (Frontier Corps), promptly acted as asked by the government. Army, FC and PAF operated in a closely coordinated “Relief &Rescue” joint operation.  PAF C-130, dropped huge amount of relief goods, a sigh of relief to affected inhabitants. It is true that the FC components located in the area were also struck due to this high scale earthquake but even though they were the first ones to respond to the situation with a full sense of responsibility without any hesitation. Even before the collection points were established in, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Quetta, Karachi and Islamabad; they distributed their own rations that was around 500 tons; they distribute tents, sleeping bags, mattresses, bed sheets, blankets, clean cloths, cooking utensils, bathroom items, medicines, and other commodities of most common use. Around 2,500 Army personnel and 1,000 FC personnel were part of the relief efforts, these relief efforts continued even during the Eid days including a unit of Army lady officers was also deployed to help earthquake victims. By the end of the Eid holidays, 24 relief sorties of C-130 and 240 helicopter sorties had flown, completing over 526 flying hours. a field hospital in Awaran and six mobile medical camps at far-flung localities were also established by the Army. Where more than 8,000 local patients were been treated, besides that  7,000 tons of food items were delivered and 37,000 tents were distributed by the Army besides thousands of school books, stationery items along with sports gear.
Sadly, the relief efforts were been politicized and its reason was “militarized”. The militants and their collaborators along with the help of hostile neighbor countries and agencies violently started opposing the relief activities by the Army and FC. Whether it was a war of words, or a war of weapons, without any distinction they sabotage the relief efforts. The militants repeatedly attacked Pakistan security forces personnel during relief work. According to reports, during first twenty attacks, six security forces personnel embraced martyrdom and leave more than one dozen seriously injured. They were heavily equipped with foreign funded weapons and sadly are still actively working against Pakistan army. The relief work was badly affected by these militants yet army is still working hard to maintain the law and order situation along with relief work. The noble acts and activities are continuously opposed and relief work was not only attacked by rockets and machine guns but also Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) by the militants. I appreciate the efforts of Pakistan Army but I also believe that it has become VERY necessary for Law Enforcement agencies and security forces to deal with these militants ruthlessly in order to maintain law and order situation so that they ‘dare’ not disturb the relief efforts or any other development projects. Remember, Prosperous Balochistan is the key of successful Pakistan!